Since the invention of the polygraph and started to be used to detect lies in police procedures, if you have ever wondered Can the polygraph be fooled?, people were interested in learning how to cheat it. For years many have researched how they work to be able to circumvent the results.
However, despite the passage of time and the number of people who have tried, results have been unpromising. In fact, most have ended up failing, although there are people (very few) who have succeeded.
Today we're going to delve a little deeper into whether or not at can fool the polygraph or not and to determine whether it is possible to fool the polygraph or whether people who have done so have just been lucky.
Can the polygraph be fooled?
Broadly speaking at can fool the polygraph whether it is possible to fool the polygraph and the person reading it. However, it should be noted that the chances that you will be able to do so are very low indeed. (less than 1% of people).
It is important to note that this device has different methods to reach a conclusive result. It should be remembered that this type of device records physiological activity of the person. It is not at all easy to fully control your emotions in such a situation.
However, it does not mean that it is impossible, so when you ask at can fool the polygraph the answer is yes, although very few people who have tried have succeeded. There are two elements involved, the polygraph and the person analysing it. So, you will not only have to fool the device, but also the handler..
So is the polygraph reliable?
You may think that the polygraph is an unreliable device. But this is not the case, as we have already mentioned in the previous section.t is extremely difficult to fool him. To be able to do this, it takes a lot of practice even if you have a polygraph at home.
After many hours of practising with one, you may be able to get good results. However, the atmosphere at home is not the same in front of an interview. And this is something that makes the power manipulate the results is almost impossible.
In fact, it is quite likely that the people who have been able to do so are more likely to be due to luck than anything else.
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The polygrapher, a key factor
For the success of this test, a key factor is the polygrapherThe polygrapher, i.e. the person who handles the polygraph. This person must be an expert in the handling of this equipment and, of course, know how to detect when a person is not telling the truth.s leo.
Other factors that play a role in good performance include
In a polygraph test, this device is not the only thing involved, but every aspect of the place is designed to get results. From the room, its layout, elements, questions, and more, are created in such a way that it is very complex to apply any techniques you have developed.
In addition, even if you do use some "foolproof method" that you have seen on the internet, it is unlikely to work, as the people conducting the tests are familiar with these methods.